Ich bin ja Mitglied bei Photographer's Direct, einer Vertriebs-Kooperative für freie Fotografen des britischen Kollegen Chris Barton. Chris bringt einen Newsletter raus, der ein paar zig-tausend Bilderkäufer weltweit erreicht. Habe grade seinen "last reminder" erhalten. Wer da Interesse hat, für sich im "global village" zu werben, dem sei der nachstehend zitierte Text empfohlen. Kostet natürlich Geld (umsonst ist der Tod).
Hi everyone
Last reminder for entries for the February newsletter. Any last entries need to be submitted by end of tomorrow (9th of February).
To include an entry of up to ten lines (plus your contact info), and an image, costs just UK£30 (+VAT in UK)/US$59. This will be sent out to 53,000 picture buyers worldwide.
If you have any info you would like included in the newsletter, such as:
- new collections on particular topics, countries, regions etc
- pictures of particularly topical subjects
- any changes in your contact details, address etc
- a new website
- a great new picture you want to publicize
- contributing photographers who are travelling somewhere in the near future and would be interested in assignments
- an exhibition you would like to publicize
- employment opportunities for picture researchers etc
you can submit it by logging in as a 'Photographer' through the link below and clicking on 'Submit a newsletter entry': http://www.photographersdirect.com/sellers/index.asp
Chris Barton
Photographers Direct
Der Krieg um das Nikotin-Monopol
vor 2 Wochen
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