===> Bildmaterial zu Roadstern, Sportwagen und Cabrios in großer Auswahl auf meinem Mecom-Pool (auch über APIS und i-picturemaxx). Denn: Autokauf ist Bauchsache.

Ein super Honda CRX del sol mit Soundtrack von Guns 'n Roses. Pure Emotion. Motion and Emotion.
I can rarely understand your textes. But I like the pics and vids. Sometimes you type in English too. Thats better to me.
AntwortenLöschenHi, Mark!
AntwortenLöschenThanks for commenting.
Well, you're right. I always tried to write bilingual (German and English). Best would be also in French. I speak those both foreign languages. But most times I forgot to do. Sorry.
In future I'll try again. Hoping really doing it.
Kind regards